
Published December 8, 2017.

A limited edition broadsheet to capture our evolution from retail to creative studio.

A rhizomatic dictatorship always on the verge of either: a coup, incorporation, or collapse. Devaluing systems, de-systemitizing values. Politicizing everything because it always already was.

Exultation and exhortation are (our) generational comorbidities. Reminding cultural investors that social capital doesn't pay the rent.


Artists whose work is not quite art, but also not not-art. Or maybe we're not artists. Maybe we're just ad hoc aesthetes. Tasteful strivers. Social climbing designers.


Commercially ambivalent, culturally fragmented, and aesthetically precise. 


Weary/wary of vague excellence and ambiguous value.


Avant Yawn




Provoking value from intellectually compromised commercialism and fragmented retail aesthetics. Finding new ways to utilize art industry signs and symbols in non-art contexts.


Rupturing passive linearity and its choreography of good intentions. (Whose insidious potential always tilts toward the gospel of gradualism.) Deprioritizing self-righteous catharsis.


An art and design studio whose approach draws from commerce and consumerism.


Blurring the line between ourselves and our work.


Serendipitous realists.

